Nama Qaabeel (Menulis Arabic : قابيل) adalah Nama anak laki-laki Muslim. Arti nama Qaabeel adalah " Famous son of Adam (Adam) Alayhe salam. "
Nama | Arabic | Makna |
Qaabeel | قابيل | Famous son of Adam (Adam) Alayhe salam. |
Qaadir | قادر | Powerful, mighty,an attribute applied to Allah Almighty. Name, Abdul Qaadir. |
Qaailah | قايله | Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA). |
Qaaim | قايم | Standing person, steadfast. |
Qaanay | قاني | Satisfied, Contended |
Qaani | قاني | Satisfied, contented. |
Qaaniah | قانية | Satisfied,contented. |
Qaanit | قانية | Satisfied,contented. |
Qaari | قاري | Reciter (of the Holy Quran) |
Qaasim | قاسم | One who distributes,name of the beloved son of Rasoolullah Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam,also his attribute. |