Nama Saarim (Menulis Arabic : صارم) adalah Nama anak laki-laki Muslim. Arti nama Saarim adalah " brave,Sharp Minded "
Nama | Arabic | Makna |
Saaadat | سادات | (Saadat) Fortune, blessings, victory. |
Saabiq | سابق | The first in a race, Name of a Sahabi (RA) who was the servant of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). |
Saabiqah | سابقه | Precedent, one who comes first in a race,Name of a Sahabi (RA) who was the servant of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). |
Saabir | صابر | One who patienly and stoically edures al hardships and diffichlties, title of Ayyoob(peace be upon him). |
Saabit | ثابت | (Thaabit), Name of a Sahabi(RA). |
Saad | ساد | Good luck |
Saadah | ساده | Happiness |
Saadat | سادات | Blessing, Honour |
Saadi | سادي | Happy, lucky, blissful |
Saadiq | صادق | True, sincere, faithful, veracious, a man of his word. |