Nama Baseema (Menulis Arabic : بسيمة) adalah Nama anak perempuan Muslim. Arti nama Baseema adalah " Smiling "
Nama | Arabic | Makna |
Basaaria | بسارة | Beautiful, Prior |
Basbas | باسباس | She was a slave girl of Ibn Nafees |
Baseema | بسيمة | Smiling |
Basemah | باسمه | Smiling |
Basha | باشا | bashaaer-good tidings |
Bashair | بشير | Good news, good omens |
Bashasha | بشاشة | bashaasha-cheerfulness |
Basheera | بشيرا | Bringer of good tidings, Joy |
Bashira | بشرة | Bringer of good news, fem. |
Bashirah | بشعره | Bringer of good tidings, joy |