Cari semua Nama dalam Islam penuh makna untuk anak perempuan dengan awalan ' q '
Nama | Arabic | Makna |
Qaabilah | قابله | Capable Woman,Midwife |
Qaaria | قارية | Reciter (of the Holy Quran) |
Qabalah | قبله | Responsibility |
Qabila | قبيلة | Able, wise. |
Qabilah | قبيلة | Consenting. |
Qadira | قديرة | Powerful, able. |
Qadriyah | قدرية | To believe in God s will. |
Qadriyyah | قدرية | Strong. |
Qahira | قاهرة | Overpowering, victorious. |
Qaifa | قفا | Estimater. |
Qailah | قايله | One who speaks. |
Qaima | قائمة | Bestower. |
Qamara | قمرا | The moon |
Qamayr | قاماير | She was a narrator of Hadith. |
Qameer | قمير | Wife of Masrooq bin al-Ajda |
Qamra | قمرا | Moonlight, moonlit, bright |
Qanaat | قناة | Patience. |
Qaniah | قناه | Contented. |
Qantara | قنطرة | Small bridge. |