Nama Haamidah (Menulis Arabic : هامده) adalah Nama anak perempuan Muslim. Arti nama Haamidah adalah " One who praises. "
Nama | Arabic | Makna |
Haadiya | هادية | Guide to righteousness |
Haadiyah | هاديه | A director, a leader, a guide. |
Haafizah | حافظه | Having a good memory, one who knows the whole Quran by heart. |
Haajar | هاجر | Hard as a rock |
Haajirah | هاجرة | The wife of Hazrat Ibrahim, peace be upon him. |
Haala | هالة | Aureole |
Haalah | حاله | A crescent shaped ear-ring, name of the sister of Hazrat Khadija tul Kubraa (RA). |
Haalimah | حالمه | Dreaming |
Haamidah | هامده | One who praises. |
Haarithah | حارثه | Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |